At the Opera Nova in Bydgoszcz, the evening begins with the music...
Here is the memory of a concert fashion show.
Love is the greatest inspiration!
- L’Amour est la plus grande inspiration!
We do everything with love so that the fruits of our work are good, beautiful, noble and precious.
The motto of this Fashion Show was:
Je suis l’Amour - I am Love
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński said:
Time is Love!
We are glad that we spent the time together in an unique, sublime and full of love ambience.
That evening we were participants of a special concert. Beautiful creations, exceptional music, famous songs in the original arrangement of the artists who played live for us, completed the work. At the Opera Nova in Bydgoszcz, we have created together an atmosphere of French elegance nad style.
Thanking you for your presence, we wish all of us continuous Love.
M.F. Łukaszewicz

We are a family company, currently one of the most well-known furrier workshops in Poland. Creations, sewn in accordance with the latest world trends, as well as according to the ingenious projects of our professional stylists, are much appreciated not only in Poland, but also abroad.
In the offer of our company you will find a wide range of ready-made elegant creations made of the highest quality natural materials, as well as lighter casual clothing - among others extremely fashionable knitwear tunics decorated with fox and stylish long waistcoats decorated with raccoon dog. This is a perfect combination of elegance and comfort.
The workshop also prepares designs for individual orders. The furs and jackets of mink with natural hair length, epilated or sheared, which can be dyed in any color, are extremely successful.

The hit of our latest fashion show are elegant sweatshirts made of sheared and epilated mink and mink jackets with a fur floral motif inlay. Chinchilla necklaces and waistcoats also arouse everyone’s delight.
Exceptional offers for men are: mink jackets and waistcoats fastened with a zipper, mink scarves and hats. Mink collars adorning men’s coats are extremely fashionable this year. Fur pockets on bags and backpacks are also an original accessory.
At the customer's request, we personalize the ordered fur with inlaying in the form of initials and monograms.
We cordially invite you to our company showroom in the Koszalińska Street 3A in Bydgoszcz.

The furrier master Franciszek Łukaszewicz was awarded several times for his services and merits for Polish crafts. He received the Silver Medal and next the Gold Medal of Jan Kiliński.
In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal from the President of the Republic of Poland.
In 2019, he received the highest craft award – The Saber of Jan Kiliński.